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First time saved : 22 mars 2000 Last updated   :  22 mars 2000

Publisher : GAPersson    Malme

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  After your submited data has been processed by an Astrology based program running on the Web-server,  then it stors securely in a SQL database designed and maintained by an MsDBA certified person.

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© Lady Madonna   Long Beach.  USA registred : 22 mars 2000
Planet Pos & Dec : 490728:1055:Malme Your Data registred at ©yberBASE Options - Utilitys - Tools - Help - EXIT
M - 04E56 : 19n12 1. Full Name 1. Statistic
N - 09F56 : 11n11 2. Adress (your place) 2. Anomalty
O - 06E40 : 04s15 3. City Name 3.
P - 02F05 : 12n22 4. Country  
5. Email  
6. BirthDate    day, mounth, year (full)  
7. Place, City prefer Long/Latt   
8. time given  

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